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Let’s talk about split ends!

As your stylist it's my sole responsibility to care for your hair and nurture it's every need. With that said I'd like to touch base with you guys and discuss the topic of those pesky split ends. Now, I know a lot of you are thinking oh my gosh Kelli not this again, so I'll try and keep this short, sweet and inform everyone on how to keep those split ends in check.

When I let you know that you have "newspaper" hair and need a good chop, it can be hard to hear and a lot to take in, so let's start with 2 inches and go from there. What is "newspaper" hair? That is hair that is so damaged by split ends that you can see straight through it like a thin newspaper or tissue paper. As stylists, we cannot fix split ends, there's no treatments out there to fix and mend split ends, all we can do is cut them off. If we don't do that they will continue to split up like a broken zipper on a jacket and your hair will just break off in pieces on the way up. Trust me you guys, if a treatment ever comes out to fix those I will let all of you know! Now, a good way to avoid everything talked about above is to come in for consistent trims. I'm not talking like 2 inches off every 6 weeks, I'm saying you need to come in every 6-8 weeks and get a 1/4 inch-1/2 inch trim or even an inch, whatever your preference is, to keep the new split ends from splitting up. I hope that all my lovely clients get some good info from this little post and keep your eyes out for future posts about new Amika products coming out in the salon this spring, and I hope to see you all soon ♥️

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